If you believe your account has been compromised, please take the following steps: Review your recent account activity, including the list of payment transactions to see if any unknown charges were applied and check your contact information to see if it hasn't changed
Block your account by contacting our Team at hello@okeo.com. Once you've confirmed that your account has been compromised, or if you still have doubts, contact us to report the incident
Change the password of your online banking account and, if you have reused it, also the password for your email and other related accounts
Look out for the warning signs that may indicate the malicious activity: Unknown purchases. If you notice unusual activity, this may be the first indication that your account has been compromised
Blocked login. In case of too many failed logins or suspicious sessions, your account may be blocked from logging in
Authorization messages being sent when you aren’t using our services
Attempts to contact you without notice and asking to provide your bank credentials or temporary codes